On April 29th, the Friends of Penobscot Bay conducted a site visit of the cape Jellison shore of Stockton Harbor. The purpose was to

(1) identify potential beqch seining locations and (2) take a quick look at environmental conditions there.

Identified seining locations include the mill pond, mill cove and the beach near the SW end of the cap.

Observations: the ruins of the old commercial wharfs' pilings remain. Logs and other woody debris scourt the peat and forested edges of the Cape shore. Persistent brown foam at the southwest beach. Stockton Harbor is buffered from the Cape's condominiums and homes by forested and shrubby wetlands, cut by several streams that empty into the harbor. Wildlife is evident: beaver, mussels, clams, osprey, bald eagles. Rockweed is abundant. No eelgrass was seen.

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